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About WCDG

Waterloo Community Development Group was founded in 1972.


We work with and for Waterloo residents to maintain and develop a healthy and sustainable community, for more land for homes and amenities such as shops and open space, for the benefit of present and future generations.


WCDG offers advice and support to individuals and organisations on development proposals and planning applications and we hold public meetings approximately every 6 weeks to consider development proposals and other projects.


WCDG supports a balanced, sustainable and stable residential community in Waterloo by:

  • Redressing the imbalance of land uses

  • Increasing the amount of genuinely affordable rented housing, particularly for young families, as well as the amount of sheltered housing for all incomes

  • Improving the health and well-being of residents with a safer greener, cleaner environment and an improved microclimate

  • protecting the history and identity of our streets and public spaces and enhance their visual appearance

  • Increasing and improving the amount of useful, green open space

  • Retaining and increasing retail facilities useful to local residents, including Lower Marsh and The Cut as the shopping centre for Waterloo

  • Improving community facilities in Waterloo for residents of all ages and needs including a new library

  • Consulting, advocating and fighting inappropriate development which threatens the community

  • Improving air quality and reducing traffic pollution by reducing all parking including coaches, taxi waiting, an end to ground level off street parking and non-local traffic

  • Leading on significant improvements from development for the community

  • Fighting for natural daylight in people’s homes when threatened by overdevelopment  

Our regulators

WCDG is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission.


WCDG is structured as a Charitable Company and is therefore registered at Companies House.

Registered charity no. 1114299

Company registration no. 04269850

©2023 by WCDG.

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